Friday, February 15, 2013

ACTIVE & PASSIVE, Feb. 15th, 2013

Use the verb with the base ring in two different sentences. Sentence 1 should be in the active voice; sentence 2 should reword the sentence to the passive voice.


Yadiriny189 said...

1. Peter gave me a beautiful engagement ring.
2. A beautiful engagement ring was given to me by Peter.

Anonymous said...

Sarah 177 says...

1) By next month, we will have completed the ring.
2) The ring is being completed.

Veronica Baig said...

YADIRINY: You have used "ring" as a noun--it needs to be the verb;-)
SARAH:You have used "ring" as a noun--it needs to be the verb;-)

Yadiriny189 said...

1. The guests rang the doorbell.
2. The doorbell was rung by them.

Veronica Baig said...

YADIRINY: That's better:-)

Jeffrey189 said...

1. I ring the dinner bell and everyone comes running down with hungry bellies salivating with joy.

2. The dinner bell rang and the hoards of hungry orphans came dashing through the halls jumping onto their benches for their daily bland porridge.

Veronica Baig said...

JEFFREY:Active sentence good--but I have to mention that bellies don't salivate;-) The other sentence is still in the active voice--it's just the simple past tense;-)