Monday, March 4, 2013


This exercise is advanced sentence combining; it is designed for students who have completed Lesson 9 of  Engl 177:

Sentence 1: Experts believe that an economic recession is imminent.
Sentence 2: Reports from various experts indicate that unemployment is up and spending is down.
Sentence 3: In the U.S.A. many people have lost their homes because banks foreclosed on their mortgages.

1 . Use gerund to combine all the sentences.
2. Use an  appositive to combine all the sentences.
3. Use a relative pronoun to combine all the sentences.


Yadiriny189 said...

1. In the U.S.A. many people have lost their homes because banks foreclosed on their mortgages, extending reports from various experts indicate that unemployment is up and spending is down, leaving experts believe that an economic recession is imminent.
2. In the U.S.A. many people have lost their homes because banks foreclosed on their mortgages, financial reports from various experts indicate that unemployment is up and spending is down, banker experts believe that an economic recession is imminent.
3. In the U.S.A. many people have lost their homes because banks foreclosed on their mortgages which reports from various experts indicate that unemployment is up and spending is down whoever experts believe that an economic recession is imminent.

Veronica Baig said...

YADIRINY:#1--the gerund doesn't work there--you would need the adjective "extensive"; #2--check on how to use the appositve; #3--This one doesn't work either:-(

Yadiriny189 said...

1. Reports from various experts indicate that unemployment is up and spending is down suggesting that in the U.S.A. many people have lost their homes because banks foreclosed on their mortgages, making experts believe that an economic recession is imminent.
2.In the U.S.A. many people have lost their homes because banks foreclosed on their mortgages, loan secured by real property, the experts, believe that an economic recession is imminent, liable to happen within six months, based on reports from various experts that indicate that unemployment is up and spending is down.
3. In the U.S.A. where many people have lost their homes because banks foreclosed on their mortgages; experts who believe that an economic recession is imminent indicate that unemployment is up and spending is down.

Veronica Baig said...

YADIRINY:#1--no gerund; #2--the only way you have an appositive here is because you added information that isn't in the original; #3--OK--but you need to check the punctuation.