Friday, February 14, 2014


If the sentence is singular, change it to the plural; if it is plural, change it to the singular.

My birthday dinner was a real pleasure; the food was good and the company even better!


Doris177 said...

My birthday dinners were real pleaseure; the meals were good and the guests even better!

Kanako Nishihara #177 said...

Our birthday dinners were real pleasures; The food was good and the companies were even better!

["food" is uncountable noun]

Unknown said...

My birthday dinners were real pleasures; the food was good and the guest even better!

Aman#177 said...

Our birthdays dinners were real pleasure;the entrees were good and the company of friends even better!

Aman#177 said...

Our birthday parties were real pleasure; the entrees were good and the company of friends even better!

Jen189 said...

Our birthday dinners were a real pleasure, the food was good and our guests even better!

Michael said...

Doris: Aside from the missing article (and the spelling error), you did a nice job!

You also missed the article before "pleasure", Aman.

Jen got it, though!

Kanako: you fell into the trap of trying to pluralize "company". But it is not countable in this context, so it can't be pluralized.

Well done, Amanda. I would prefer "pleasure" to remain singular, but it could also be pluralized.