Thursday, May 16, 2013


There were a lot of applauses at the oscars; and they had rose most when the winner of the best movie had been announced and them receiving the direct was going to the stage as quick as possible.
1.      Noun form: Applause is non-count noun--there is no plural form.
2.      Subject-verb agreement: Because “applause” is singular, the verb must also be singular--change “were” to “was”.
3.      Capitalization: the “Oscars” is a proper noun--it needs a capital letter.
4.      Noun-pronoun agreement: Again, because “applause” is singular, the pronoun referring to it must also be singular--change “they” to “it”.
5.      Verb tense: “had rose” is the past perfect; here you need the simple past “rose”.
6.      Verb  tense: “had been announced” is the past perfect in the passive voice; here you need the simple past passive--“was announced”.
7.      Pronoun error: “them” is a plural object pronoun; here, we know that the winner is singular, but the word order is also a problem--replace with “the person receiving it”,
8.      Word form: When referring to a person, the word form is “director”.
9.      Verb tense: Instead of the past progressive tense, use the simple past--went.
10.  Word form: “quick” is an adjective--here you need the adverb “quickly” as it modifies “went”.
11.  Punctuation: Don’t use a semicolon before the coordinating conjunction “and”; a comma is required. Similarly, a comma is needed after “announced”.
Possible Answer: There was a lot of applause at the Oscars, and it rose the most when the winner of the best movie was announced, and those receiving it were directed to go to the stage as quickly as possible.

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