Friday, November 15, 2013


Correct the errors in the following sentence:

Not only you and you’re brother’s, but also your sister’s needs altaring there plans and  being home early: too clean a house preparing for our dinner’s  party and you will have to make the appetizers instead of laying on the couch for watching TV .

Solutions will be posted in the next Course Announcement of the blog.


Unknown said...

Ok. It took me reading this a couple of times to even realise what was trying to be communicated.
1. "Not only you and you're brother's, but also your sister's needs altering there plans and being home early"
-to correct the grammar mistakes I would change you're (a contraction) to your (a possessive form of you).
-Also "brother's" should be changed to brothers as it is a plural, not a possessive. Same thing with "sister's" should be sisters.
-use the verb "alter" not altering which is not even a word to bring it to future tense to match the rest of the sentence
-switch "there" to their as it should be a possessive adjective, not a place
-"being home" should be "be home" in order to keep the tense in the possible future
-Take out the colon, it doesn't belong in this sentence. Colons are used to; introduce a quotation with a complete sentence, introduce a seriesor a list after a complete sentence, after the expression "the following", to introduce an explanation or example and to separate the hour and minutes in expression of time
-add "the" between clean and house
-change "dinner's" to dinner as the dinner does not possess the party
-Take the "for" out before watching TV as it changes the meaning and the sentence would not make sense.
-Laying should be lying as lay requires a direct object and lie doesn't
-This is also a run-on sentence and should end after "party" and then a new sentence should be made from the rest as they are two complete thoughts.

If I were to re-write the sentence I would take out some of the wordiness and start it something more like "You and your siblings need to altar your plans and be home early to clean the house and prepare for our dinner party. You will have to make the appetizers instead of lying down on the couch watching TV."

Unknown said...

Not only you and your brothers, but also your sisters need to alter your plans when being home early: to clean a house to prepare for our dinner party and you will have to make appetizers instead of laying on the couch to watch TV .

Kanako Nishihara #177 said...

Not only for yours and you're brother’s, but your sister’s plan also needs their plans altered to be home early and clean the house in order to prepare for our dinner party. Having said that, you have to start making the appetizers instead of laying on the couch and watching TV.

AnnieWilson said...

Not only you and your brothers, but all your sisters also need to altar their plans and be home early; to clean the house and prepare for our dinner party. You will also have to make the appetizers instead of laying on the couch watching TV.

Michael said...

Good effort, everyone, but there are still mistakes to be corrected. The solution is coming soon!